Navigating the 5 Stages of the Customer Journey

 · 3 mins
women navigating through the 5 stages of the SMS customer journey

All of your customers will gradually navigate the 5 stages of the customer journey. What’s important as a brand, is to make sure that you engage and communicate with them every step of the way.

This blog post outlines the 5 stages customers transition through on their way to becoming loyal, repeat customers and how you, as a brand, can maximize your sales using SMS as your primary channel.

1. Awareness: Catching the eye with concise messages

The first phase of the customer journey is about generating awareness. Here, potential customers are just beginning to recognize your brand and what you stand for. This stage is about making potential customers aware of what you have to offer.

Tip: Use SMS to send out promotional alerts about new products, services, or content. Craft messages that are concise and attention-grabbing. For instance, “Discover our new eco-friendly skincare line. Click here for an exclusive sneak peek!”

2. Consideration: Providing value through information

Once you’ve captured their interest, customers move into the consideration stage, where they start evaluating your offerings against their needs and those of your competitors. This is your opportunity to educate them about your products or services.

Tip: Use SMS to send more detailed information that can assist in their evaluation process. Like a video demo, customer testimonials, or a well-crafted Landing Page infographic that breaks down your product’s benefits. For example, “See how our skincare line outperforms others in hydration tests. Watch this video”

3. Purchase: The decision to buy what you are offering

As customers transition from consideration to decision-making, personalized communication becomes crucial. They are now looking at specific offerings, and pondering over the final purchase. It’s important to make sure your purchasing process is simple and should provide timely and useful information.

Tip: Send tailored promotions or exclusive discounts via SMS to nudge them towards a purchase, and always remember to personalize. For example, “Hi Sarah, we noticed you liked our skincare video. Enjoy 10% off your first purchase with us! Voucher Code: 10%OFFenjoy”

And once they purchase, implement transactional SMS notifications to guide the customer through the checkout process. Send confirmations, delivery updates, or even a quick checkout link for ease of use. For instance, “Thank you for your order, Sarah! Track your shipment here:”

4. Retention: Keeping the conversation going

After the purchase, your focus should shift to retaining your customer. SMS can help maintain the relationship through continuous engagement and support.

Tip: Use SMS for follow-ups, asking for feedback, or providing post-purchase support. It’s also a great channel to inform customers about loyalty programs or upcoming promotions. For example:, “Thanks for your purchase, Sarah! How are you enjoying our product? Reply with your thoughts or questions.”

5. Advocacy: Encouraging brand ambassadors

The final stage of the customer journey is turning satisfied customers into brand advocates. Positive customer experiences lead to referrals and positive reviews, which can be incentivized through SMS.

Tip: Encourage sharing by offering incentives for referrals and reviews via SMS. For example, “Love our product? Share your experience and earn rewards! Forward this message to friends and get 20% off your next purchase.”


SMS marketing is not just about sending messages, it’s about crafting a journey that educates and engages customers at every touchpoint. SMS guides potential customers from initial awareness, all the way through to advocacy.

By thoughtfully integrating SMS into your marketing strategies, you can create a dynamic and effective pathway to reach, convert and retain customers as they navigate the 5 Stages of the Customer Journey.

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