Media & Entertainment

Engage your audience and amplify your reach.

Capture attention by promoting a new show, event reminders, or delivering breaking news on a channel that works.

Media and Entertainment industry uses SMS to engage with consumers and promote sales

Types of Media & Entertainment Messaging

Breaking news alerts

Keep your audience informed with real-time news alerts. Send a major announcement, weather update, or sports score, SMS delivers the news directly to their phones as it happens.

Breaking News Alerts women speaking about recent news over SMS

Event reminders

Send reminders to your audience about upcoming events, concerts, or shows. Include details such as time, location, and any special instructions to ensure they’re fully prepared.

Event Reminders to clients for entertainment and sports at local padel courts

Interactive polls & surveys

Engage your audience by sending out SMS polls or surveys. Gather instant feedback on shows, performances, or media content, and use the insights to tailor future offerings.

Interactive Polls and Surveys for media and entertainment industry sent via SMS message after customers experience

Ticket sales & promotions

Drive ticket sales with targeted SMS campaigns. Notify your audience about ticket availability, special discounts, or last-minute deals to increase attendance at your events.

Ticket Sales and Promotions for local media and entertainment company
Breaking News Alerts women speaking about recent news over SMS
Event Reminders to clients for entertainment and sports at local padel courts
Interactive Polls and Surveys for media and entertainment industry sent via SMS message after customers experience
Ticket Sales and Promotions for local media and entertainment company
SMS Voting for the most talented, wins the show

Use Case

Voting for the most talented, wins the show.

A world-renowned talent contest incorporates SMS Short Codes into their voting system. By engaging a demographic that typically watches, but rarely participates, the contest boosted their engagement by 46% through SMS.

Start conversations that convert

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